Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Northern Colonies vs. Southern Colonies Essay

From the first settlement founded in the 1600’s, the British colonies were a varied mix of communities that grew to distinct civilizations in the 17th and 18th centuries. Queen Elizabeth helped drive the colonization of Jamestown in 1607 and ultimately the creation of other Southern colonies to help Britain’s economy flourish. In contrast, James I, Elizabeth’s successor, spurred the settlement of the Northern colonies for religious reasons when he â€Å"vowed to purge England of all radical Protestant reformers† (Davidson, et al 85). When the Pilgrims sailed the Mayflower in 1620, an error in navigation led them far north to New England, rather than the South. A second wave of Puritans led to the formation of the Massachusetts Bay colony and the growth of other Northern colonies. While the early settlers were all looking for new experiences, different types of people populated the Northern and Southern colonies. Although the two regions in the 17th and 18t h centuries may appear to be similar on the surface, there are many obvious differences in economy, treatment of Natives, and stability, stemming from the reasons they were founded in the first place. While the colonies differed in their economies and the reasons they were settled in the first place, they all benefited from â€Å"benign neglect† from Britain during much of the 17th and 18th centuries. Benign neglect was Britain’s policy of non-interference with the colonies (Davidson, et al 128). Britain was busy dealing with its own government issues and change in rulers and did not have the time to strictly administer the colonies. Because of this, both the Northern and Southern colonies flourished economically and established a relatively stable way of life. In addition, the first Colonial settlers and their descendents shared a desire for a better life, whether it was for land, money, or religious freedom. Without this benign neglect from Britain, the colonies may have never been able to prosper and set the stage for the new world the way they did. Despite a similar determination to thrive in a new world, the Northern and Southern colonies differed substantially in their economies. The Southern colonies included Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, and the Carolinas and were largely founded for profit. Because of the warm climate and fertile soil, the Southern colonies were perfect for the growth of staple crops, ranging from tobacco, rice, and sugar. A planter, â€Å"[John] Rolfe, had been obsessed with  finding a crop that could be grown in Virginia and then sold for gain across the sea. When he succeeded by growing tobacco, other English followed his lead† (Davidson, et al 53). Tobacco growth was critical for the Southern economy to succeed. But, as these crops began to prosper and England demanded more, â€Å"many of Jamestown’s colonists had little taste for labor† (Davidson, et al 59). The sudden need for cheap labor led to the reliance on slavery, which would dominate the Southern economy and way of life for many years to come. In the late 1600’s, farmers began to invest in slavery rather than white servants because they would get more years out of the slaves, and also gain title to their children (Davidson, et al 63). New laws made it nearly impossible for white Masters to free slaves, further solidifying slavery in the South. In contrast, the Northern colonies had a more industrial economy. The Northern colonies consisted of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Almost every male settler in the North owned property, so small farms were, in fact, established across New England and the Mid Atlantic colonies (Davidson, et al 89). But unlike the South, the crops grown from these farms were not for capital, but rather for feeding the families. The soil in the North was too rocky and the climate was too unstable to have a promising agricultural industry. Many early colonists described the land as â€Å"rockbound and rugged†¦ long winters of numbing cold melted into short summers of steamy heat† (Davidson, et al 85). Also, because agriculture was limited, the need for slavery did not exist. â€Å"With little hope of prospering through commercial agriculture, New England farmers had no incentive to import large numbers of servants a nd slaves or to create large plantations† (Davidson, et al 89). Instead, they traded fur with the Indians and established major harbors in Boston and Philadelphia for international trading. Shipbuilding and fishing also dominated port cities, such as Boston. â€Å"Boston’s merchants sent fish to the Caribbean and Catholic Europe† (Davidson, et al 118). As a result of different land and climates in the North and South, their economies differed, affecting many more aspects of the colonies as well. The Indians were the original settlers in the colonies as well as the rest of what would become America. As both the Southern and Northern settlers arrived in the New World, they took vastly different approaches in their treatment of the natives. Neither  region treated the Indians ideally. When Captain John Smith sailed to Chesapeake, many of his settlers were hungry and, â€Å"he bullied the Indians for food and would have enslaved them if it had been in his power† (Davidson, et al 52). It is hard to imagine that the early settlers took the Indians’ land, but in addition, bullied them to receive food. To take the Southern treatment of Indians to an extreme, the Carolinas traded the Indians themselves as slaves. The Carolinas needed cheap labor to grow their cash crops, but they could not afford African slaves. To fund this venture, the Carolinas resold enslaved Indians they traded goods for with other Indian tribes (Davidson, et al 70). The Carolinas treated Indians like they were a commodity, rather than as human beings, all in the name of funding an even greater evil: slavery. Although the Northern Colonists were involved in a number of conflicts with the natives, they were not nearly as cruel as the South ern Colonists. John Eliot, a Puritan leader, for example, helped set up a school within Harvard, to help Indians learn English and culture (Davidson, et al 94). Although this didn’t help the Indians grow as a tribe, it did not drive them away from the Colonists and made them feel more like a community. The Northern colonies also needed help from the Indians to survive the harsh winters, so treating them well was important. In Pennsylvania, the Quakers coexisted peacefully with the Lenni Lenapes, another Indian tribe. â€Å"Before [William] Penn sold any land to colonists, he purchased it from the Indians (Davidson, et al 96). Because the Quakers settled in Pennsylvania for religious freedom, not profit, keeping peace with the Indians was part of their way of life. In short, the treatment of Indians reflected the reasons the two regions settled in America. The stability of the colonies also varied by region. The Northern colonies were significantly more stable than the Southern colonies for a variety of reasons. In the North, their settlements were closer together, creating more order and stability in their â€Å"tightly knit† communities.â€Å"The†¦ [Northern] colonists lived to an average age of 70, nearly twice as long as Virginians† (Davidson, et al 89). The population in the North also increased naturally, whereas in the South, it was artificially increased by the import of African slaves. â€Å"By 1740, 40% of all Virginians were black† (Davidson, et al 67). Also, because of the higher life expectancy in the North, families were stronger. About 90% of children in the North reached adulthood, and unlike  the Chesapeake, most parents were able to survive and provide for their family (Davidson, et al 89). In the Chesapeake region, there were few churches whereas in the North, community life centered around churches, contributing further to a more stable society, which would help the Northerners in the long run. Although the Northern and Southern colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries shared some similarities, they were, in fact, separate and distinct civilizations. The colonies varied drastically in their economies, treatment of the native people, and their stability, mainly because their reasons for settling in the New World were different as well. The Southern colonies were established primarily for profit. The Northerners were looking to break free from Catholic Britain and have freedom of religion in the New World. The unplanned arrival in Plymouth, rather than the South, contributed even more to how different the two regions really were, based on geography. These differences, while distinct early on, ultimately led to much bigger conflicts in America, almost destroying it altogether.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Banned Book Project

In the history of literature and arts, there exists some works that were banned for public appreciation. Among the said banned written works is the Bible itself. There are certain reasons of the society why books and other types of written works are banned for the public to see. In this regard, the book entitled â€Å"A Brave New World† by Aldous Hauxley.Why has this book been banned and how does the writer fairly present his idealisms of utopian community? These major questions are to be addressed in the paragraphs that follow. About The Author Aldous Hauxley is a British writer who opted to stay in California during the year 1937.He is a known social satirist writer. He has also been a contributor of the Vanity Fair and Vogue magazines. Aside from this, he has also been known for having a fine collection of poems that has been published as a book of collections during the year 1916. The said book has been entitled The Burning Wheel and had a fair share in the book selling ma rket. Aside from the said creations, he has also been able to come up with four satirical novels, which also became very successful in the book industry. The said novels were entitled Chrome Yellow (1921); Antic hay (1923); Those Barren Leaves (1925) and Point Count Point (1928).After these four successful novels came the creation of the Novel â€Å"Brave New World†. However, unlike the previous creations that were done by Huxley, this Novel received the least appreciation by major socialist groups. How did this Banned Book Project page 2 happen? What is the reason behind the banning of the said novel? These questions shall be entertained by discussing the inner context of the said literature. About The Book It has been noted by Huxley himself that the Novel he wrote has been inspired by the novel written by H. G. Wells entitled â€Å"Men like Gods†.The said novel dealt with a utopian community that is introduced by an optimist view of the future. The title on the othe r hand has been based upon Miranda’s speech in Shakespeare’s written work entitled â€Å"The Tempest†. In act V scene I it could be read: â€Å"O! Wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! O brave new world That has such people in it! † (41) As it could be obviously observed in the context of the stanza, where the title has been taken from, a utopian society could be depicted from the lines pertaining to the phrase â€Å"brave new world†.From this context, the theme of the novel written by Huxley has been created. Mainly discussing a future situation of the human society basing from the actual contemporary situation of the society. However, when it comes to the novel by Huxley, the future was presented in a horrible situation. This is the reason why many socialists were alarmed and decided to ban the said literature. As it could be seen, the future was presented in a negative utopia. Banned Book Project page 3 A Brief Analysis of the NovelT he time when the novel was written were the years pertaining to the Industrial Revolution. The massive changes that the said era brought to the human society has inspired Huxley to write the novel in a more industrial focused sense of setting. In a futurist fantasy, the idealism of Huxley of a utopian community based upon the development of the present situations in the society towards the future has been clearly stated in the novel. The focus of the theme of the â€Å"Brave New World† is particularly pointed towards the fear of loosing ones identity in a fast-paced system of things.Mainly, this shock of the new society is based upon the personal shock that Huxley experienced the first time he set foot in California. The industrialization of the said community has inspired Huxley to write his novel basing from the said social situation. In an era of people naturally interested in foreseeing the future, Huxley provided the readers with the truth that they did not much like to know. However, it is according to him that if the present situations of those times would continue to progress at a fast pace, the future would much likely turn out to be what his novel suggests.The story started in London. The situation of the world was much likely centralized by a world government that is called â€Å"The World State†. Through the said government, the society is divided into five classes, mainly, the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon. The whole human society is characterized to be continuously happy. However, the said happiness is rigidly ill defined. It is characterized by a trained community in becoming good consumers. Everyone in the society is encouraged to have a social life, being aloof from the society is discouraged, aside form this; sexualBanned Book Project page 4 promiscuity is a social norm. Human production is also encouraged but not in a natural way. On the other hand, the reproduction process happens in a laboratory wherein hybrid childre n are enhanced and reproductions are controlled in a way that the industry could still further support the population. On another part of the story, another society is introduced. It is situated in New Mexico. Most likely, this society depicts the present situation of the human community, whereas there is fashion, arts and science that identifies a person’s happiness.Normal reproduction is also present in the said community. The characters that came from this side of the story considered London’s advancement and happiness to be a soulless situation that is dried up by the progress of industrialization. Why the Novel Was Banned As clearly described on the previous paragraphs, the novel has been highly inclined to picturing a an ideal society when it comes to economic status, however, when it comes to morals and individual being, the said society is indeed a negative community.For this reason, the socialists who were able to know the contents of the said novel feared tha t the society who would be able to read the said literature would be able t have a negative view of the future and would consider sexual promiscuity and other immoral ways of living as a social norm. This may then lead to a social downfall when it comes to morality and individuality. On the contrary, it could be observed that the novel has been a simple exaggeration of the actual situation of the society at present. In a mere measurement of the social situations at present, it could be recognized that there is indeed a possibility byBanned Book Project page 5 which a future society as to that situation which was portrayed in the novel of Huxley. As it could be seen, sexual relations today are even promoted through the media. Pornography and the materials that introduce it to the society are even considered as a norm. All these are manifested by the profit driven world that exists in the society today. In an optimistic way, the publication and the distribution of the book may have wa ken up the society as to how things might turn out to be if they continue to thrive in a profit-focused situation.Personally, the author of this literature analysis sees the banning of the book to be an unnecessary move of the socialists. As the author views the work of Huxley as a wake up call to the human society for them to at least have time to change their ways and be more positively inclined especially when it comes to morals. Conclusion In a positive view, the novel of Huxley may be an exaggeration of the present situation in the society. However, publishing it may have caused many readers to become more aware of the changes that happen in the society and thus shift their profit-driven priorities towards a more morality-focused life.Young children may not understand the context of the novel as a whole; however, making them see the need of social change is a vital part of ensuring a social future inclined to a more morally clean social view. Hence, it could be noted that banni ng the said novel may have been a mistaken move for the socialist groups. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aldous Huxley. (1998). Brave New World. Harper Perennial Modern Classics; Reprint edition BLTC. (2005). BRAVE NEW WORLD ? A Defense Of Paradise-Engineering. http://www. huxley. net/. (December 1, 2006). Shakespeare Homepage. (2005). The Tempest. http://www-tech. mit. edu/Shakespeare/tempest/. (December 1, 2006).

Price ceilling Essay

There are different ways the government in a developing country wants to protect consumers from conditions that could make necessary merchandises out-of-the-way. One of the things is price ceiling, which a government-forced limit on the price charged for a product. Price ceiling is a situation when the price charged is more than or less than the equilibrium price determined by market forces of demand and supply. Though, a price ceiling can cause problems if forced for a long period without controlled limits. Misuse occurs when a government accidentally priced a price as too high when the real problem is that the supply is too low. Price ceilings can produce negative results when the correct solution would have been to increase supply. It can introduce a black market, it can creates a persistent shortage, decreases in investment, or price on the black market ends up higher than the equilibrium price. For example, if the government set a price ceiling on bread in order to make this basic food more affordable. And other side assuming that each hour that people wait in lines represents a lost hour of work. Under many circumstances the ceiling lead to long lines and thus high costs in lost work hours. A price ceiling that is below market equilibrium will be a binding price ceiling and that could cause a shortage due to increasing demand because of the lower price of the product. And it could create a black market where people can buy it for double the price for the bread. On the other hand, if there is an hour that an individual must wait in line, there is a lost hour of work for the supplier. Due to the supplier losing an hour of work it will cut into the profits of that firm making their total revenue. The supplier will already loose the benefit of selling to a certain buyer within that hour period. However if the firm hired more workers to create a shorter wait in the line they ma y be able to make the most out of it. So if the supplier reduces the time lost in work they can reach the point of profit maximization.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Development of Criminal Process in the Chinese Legal System Essay

The Development of Criminal Process in the Chinese Legal System - Essay Example The competences of the police unit to administer legal sanctions as determined by the courts are key concerns of this paper. The evolution in legal justice especially conflict resolution between the government and the court is also discussed. Further, the paper looks into the punitive measures established by the law and their administration. It goes ahead to determine how much significant this has had in China in terms of integration towards globalization. The timeline of these events especially after World War II is showed. Introduction The most general temperament of human rights infringement in the Republic of China is a crucial point of view both internationally and within the China’s state. General seminars are cruelly suppressed. The rights of expression and sense of right and wrong are critically examined. Basic freedoms of association for work unions and other independent societies are not valued. The criminal justice system carry on to spate torment, random detention and rebuff of due process. These tortures and the other have extremely been recorded by the international human rights organizations for example the Amnesty International, Human Rights watch and Human Rights in the people’s republic of China, besides inter governmental bodies and national authorities (Stanley, 1999, p36)1. Despite the magnitude of the international focal point on china and the re-occurrences solitude of the Chinese’s government for its deeds, development towards improvement ha appreciated very slowly. The lawyers Committee for Human Rights value that a long outcome to these are rooted problems which lie in all-inclusive change of those Chinese laws and practices which encourage the continuity of serious abuse. This on the other hand will need an increased participation of the Chinese lawyers, legal academics and the rights advocate in efforts to put into effect these new rules. It is believed that the new chance exists in making progress in this route. In the past years, Chinese authority has embarked on the right track of reform which contributes to societal upgrade and law abiding through a driven desire to put up to date most of its institutions to be fully amalgamated into the economical world. The consequences involved in these processes include enormous part inadvertent by the Chinese state to give specific grounds for careful hopefulness. Growth and area of specialization of legal communal within China that is growing cognizant of global rules that are to say these individuals, of which some work at the margins of official elegance, represents a specific prospect of change from within. The other is the going through of the law into the everyday’s matter of Chinese life, which began slowly to inspire the sense that freedom and rights is defined, codified and is real through the accepted procedure. Boarding on it policies of Reform and Opening, the Chinese government has put in place constantly concrete stress on the needs to improve the country’s legal system. The strategy has made the government be driven by strong values of real politics at the onset of the Chinese leaders who are principally motivated by desire to allure west investment and put to bay a re-occurrence of riot in the communal growth. In 1980s, this made them stress the law duties in guiding the dos and don’ts of economic values and state rules in the market specialization. In the process, china was pulled rootlet

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Car Wash in Abu Dhabi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Car Wash in Abu Dhabi - Essay Example Entrepreneurship starts with the process of being able to establish a small-scale business. In relation to small business management, this report will discuss the proposed business project which is to establish a car wash station in Abu Dhabi, UAE. After discussing the type of business entity or forms of business ownership which will be used in the proposed business project, the rationale for selecting this particular business project will be tackled in details.   As part of the strategic planning process, the mission and vision statement will be stated briefly followed by conducting an environmental or industry analysis. This section will have three (3) sub-sections which will focus on applying the industry framework of Porter’s basic five forces of competition, PESTLE, and SWOT. Eventually, competitive analysis will be conducted followed by discussing the strategic alternatives, goal settings and strategies, and control system. Before presenting the actual business plan, a business feasibility study will be conducted to determine the proposed business’ estimated return on investment.1.1  Proposed Business Project  The proposed business project is to establish a car wash station in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Today, one of the major competitors of the proposed business is the ADNOC petrol station. Aside from selling products like lubricants and fuels, ADNOC is also offering aviation services, vehicle inspection, car wash, and change oil services (ADNOC, 2013a; 2013b; 2013 c).... 9 2.3.2 PESTLE Analysis †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 10 Political and Legal Aspects †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 10 Economic Aspect †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 13 Social Aspect †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 14 Technological Aspect †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 15 2.3.3 SWOT Analysis †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 15 Strength †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 15 Weaknesses †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 16 Opportunities †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 16 Threats †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 16 2.4 Competitive Analysis †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 17 2.5 Strategic Alternatives †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 17 2.6 Control System †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦... 18 3. Business Feasibility ..........†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 19 4. Conclusion and Recommendations †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 20 References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 21 - 26 Appendix I – List of Other Small-Scale Car Wash Businesses in Abu Dhabi †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 27 Appendix II – Summary of Porter’s Five Forces Analysis †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 29 Appendix III – UAE GDP Annual Growth Rate †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 30 Appendix IV – UAE Interest Rate †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 31 Appendix V – UAE Unemployment Rate

Saturday, July 27, 2019

MNE should stop outsourcing to developing countries 2 Assignment - 1

MNE should stop outsourcing to developing countries 2 - Assignment Example It is, therefore, the nature of human beings to be curious as the people were in the story. The story is a satirical piece, which the writer uses to mock human nature in general, and the Catholic Church. Criticism is seen from the father and the letter, which he sends to his superiors in Rome (382). The superiors do not look interested in coming to view the spectacle. Father Gonzaga is asked to talk to the Old man and see if his dialect is Aramaic. The superiors also ask Father Gonzaga to see how many times would fit in the head of a pin. This is an example of Catholicism, which refers to the medieval theory that was thought to be proof of God’s omnipotence. The superiors in the Catholic Church finally make a conclusion that the old man is a Norwegian sailor who is stranded. This statement makes the church sound literal minded and not in touch with reality. The church is also seen to have a wait and see tactic, as they do not do anything about the old man with enormous wings. They just wait until the end when the man flies off. They leave the man in Pelayo’s compound while they could have taken the man in their refuge so that they could find out everything about him. Human beings in the short story by Gabriel Garcia Marquez do not care about the significance of life (384). Everyone in the story is afflicted by narrowness of vision. This is seen from the church to the neighbor woman, the pilgrims, and the crowd of onlookers. Elisenda is also viewed to be narrow as she chooses to keep her living room and kitchen living free instead of deciding to consider her uninvited guest who was different from them and oddly beautiful. Regret is also considered as part of human nature by the writer of the story. When Elisenda looks at the angel at the end of the story and realizes that she would probably never have a chance of seeing him again, regret is clearly depicted. The writer points out that most people

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business Culture of Albania and Italy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Culture of Albania and Italy - Essay Example The researcher states that language is regarded as an important part of business dealings as communication is the backbone of successful business negotiations. In case of Albania, it has been found that most government officials speak English, but the same thing cannot be said about people employed in the private sector. Use of interpreters or translators is a commonplace business practice. In case of Italy, English is also the most commonly spoken foreign language. In Italy, use of body language is as important as hand gestures and personal contacts are as dominant as speech. Avoiding excessive use of body language may be considered as an unfriendly attitude, which can, therefore, harm the business. This practice is not found in Albania. Given the difference in the official language of the two countries, need for translators will be inevitable to carry business if English is not spoken. In this case, it can be stated that misinterpretations of non-verbal gestures like, hand gestures , may act as severe intercultural communication barrier between Italy and Albania as Italians tend to use more such gestures. It has been observed that time is not considered to be an important parameter in case of Albania, but is quite important for Italy. Punctuality has been regarded as an important parameter in inter-cultural business. This is because punctuality has the notable influence on the social behavior. It is noticed that Italians expect a formal explanation if there is any delay in the business meeting and such a habit is condemnable. However, the social attitude of people in Albania makes punctuality an obsolete requirement. So, in case of business dealings between companies of these countries, it is important for the Albanians to be more particular about the time factor. Â  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

AS 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

AS 3 - Assignment Example As such, if there is an improper use of the resources, then there is someone who can be questioned and charged. Hence, it does away with conflicts that may arise due to misuse of these resources in the society. Also, property rights enhance trade in the society as individual owners can transact business, sell and buy their assets under the regulations set in the capitalist markets they operate. One contemporary policy that is aligned with the interpretation of the view by Marx on the primary role of property rights in the capability of capitalism to persist is that known as the National mining and minerals policy (Legal Information Institute, n.d.). The policy seeks to outline and articulate the role of the Federal government in boosting private ownership and enterprises. Yes, there are intrinsic social forces that work to challenge the function of property rights in a capitalist system. Some of these forces are those arising from corruption and greed among people in power. These people fail to follow the right and legal procedure permitted to own a property or properties. As such, they undermine the role of property rights in a capitalist system. Thus, they align with the view of Marx that private property is not the best means to deal with the inevitable truth of scarcity due to the instability they bring about on ownership in the

Ethical Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Ethical Dilemma - Essay Example The Ends Based Ethics would see buying a customized essay paper as unethical. First the buyer is not learning. First it is highly unlikely that this student will pass on exams or practical tests, so they will be dismissed from college before getting a degree. If they do pass, a professor or another student will find out about the cheating. The end result will be expulsion from school. The purchase of a custom essay in this scenario does not justify the wanted or potential end to this action. The Rule Based Ethics in this dilemma are straight forward. It is against the rules to plagiarize. Passing off someone else’s work as your own is against the rules. Plagiarism is taking someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. Plagiarizing can be intentional, or unintentional. Intentional plagiarizing is buying an essay from a custom essay website, or using information and not crediting the source. Common knowledge does not count. The sun rises in the east is an example of common knowledge. An example of unintentional plagiarizing is reviewing many articles and including a fact picked up from one of the articles. This is still plagiarizing. One type of plagiarism that most people do not consider is self-plagiarism. If a paper is written by someone for one class, and then submitted for another class that is self-plagiarism. Your paper becomes a source that must be cited. Once written a paper becomes a source, whether it is from a famous physics professor or a first year student. These rules on plagiarism are well defined by the DeVry. The writer of the paper is not ethically unethical on either level. When a writer produces an essay based on guidelines given by a client, they are not doing anything ethically unethical. The writer is producing a plagiarism free paper from scratch. This plagiarism free essay is their Intellectual Property to sell. What the buyer does with the paper makes it

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


REWRITE THIS PAPER FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS BY PROF - Essay Example Though McLeod rightly claims that our rights under the 1st Amendment have been curtailed through a rise in copyrighted material, he is wrong to include in his arguments gathering and protection of personal information for homeland security purposes. McLeod notes, â€Å"Information about citizens is collected by private companies and guarded for corporate purposes, or the use of the highest bidder† (245). The â€Å"Multistate Anti-TeRrorism Information eXchange (MATRIX) is such a program. With the MATRIX program, the US government collects information from private databases and uses it to its own ends† (McLeod 245). Though McLeod is not completely wrong to point out and argue against the dangers of this innovation. The MATRIX program implies that most of the information that was previously public is now proprietary thus it is privately owned. MATRIX collects data on every citizen. According to McCleod, â€Å"MATRIX collects a wide range of data, including pictures of th e subject, one’s neighbors and family members† (McLeod, 245). Also, this information is proprietary. Although this information is a collection of events and facts from a personal as well as public life of an individual, the owner and creator of this information, i.e. the individual whose data was collected, has no access to it. The Freedom of Information Act does not extend to ordinary citizens as the information has been privatized (McCleod 245). According to the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 USC 552a, cl.e, the executive has the right to collect personal information for the purpose of protecting the homeland security. However, individuals have a right to be informed of changes or disclosures of such information. By 2004, data was collected on 120,000 individuals, who were viewed as having â€Å"high terrorism factor† (Krouse 3). In cases where the use of MATRIX program is not kept in check then, the misuse of the privatized information is bound to happen (McLeod 247). McLeod cites Lt. Col. Ralph Periandi, deputy commissioner for operations with the Pennsylvania state police, who argues that these data will not be used for anti - terrorist activities only (246). They are open to misuse by the members of the US law enforcement agencies. Democracy will be cut by such actions of misuse of private information The democratic right to innovate too is tied up by such practice, as the case of ElcomSoft proves. An employee of this company attended a conference where he intended to make public an ebook reader, a tool which would allow consumers to copy books legally onto a personal computer, once they paid for this service (McLeod 248). The employee was arrested, though later acquitted together with his company, as US jury decided that they were not aware of US laws regarding intellectual property rights. Despite the arguments made by McLeod, some points about legal protection of the right to privacy should not be missed. Indeed, companies use cookies to c ollect private data such as IP address, or the social security number (Legal Information Institute). And databases collecting data about every aspect of a person’s life intrude the private sphere. However, some of this data is given away consensually by individuals. Laws attempt to protect every sphere of an individual’

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why americans will believe almost anything Essay

Why americans will believe almost anything - Essay Example A major part of the public lays the foundation of its opinions and decisions upon what it sees and hears in the news on television, in papers, or at the internet. Therefore, the conveyers of information hold great responsibility towards what they collect and transmit to the general public. Also, even if the media is being honest and transparent, it depends upon the â€Å"predispositions, especially ideology, that influence what news channel one watches and ultimately what news channel one believes† (Johansen 2). That is, the believability of news from any sort of media, on one hand, depends upon the honesty and transparency, and on the other, depends upon what ideology does the viewer or the reader hold. Hence, to protect ourselves from being susceptible, we should, as citizens, correct our own views and opinions, so that we do not believe all that is being shown to us. Johansen, Morgen. "Dont Believe Everything You Hear: Ideologys Influence on News Channel Believability." Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, Inter-Continental Hotel, New Orleans, LA. N.p., 06 Jan. 2005. Web. 15 Oct 2012. . O’Shea, Tim. â€Å"The Doors Of Perception: Why Americans Will Believe Almost Anything.† Dr. Joseph Mercola, 2012. Web. 15 Oct 2012.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Genetic Engineering and the Law Essay Example for Free

Genetic Engineering and the Law Essay To understand the ethical implications of genetic engineering, we must first understand what genetic engineering is. Genes are units that code for specific characteristics. Such characteristics are hair and eye colour and we inherit these from our parents. It is chromosomes in the cell nuclei than enable your body to inherit features or, more specifically, it is the DNA that makes up the chromosomes that forms a unique genetic code for every human being (apart from identical twins). It is estimated that the human body has around 50,000 to 100,000 different genes contained inside, some of which have been linked to certain diseases. Scientists claim to have identified 4,000 conditions that are linked to just one fault or defect in a persons genetic makeup, which is where genetic engineering comes in. At present a project is taking place to identify the function of every gene in the human body. The Human Genome Project aims to uncover the cause for many diseases and find a cure for them. One such way, is genetic engineering. Genetic engineering, as a cure for disease, is the removal of a defective gene sequence and the remodelling of it. But this isnt the only definition given for genetic engineering. Compassion in World Farming describes it as the taking of genes from one species of plant or animal and inserting them into a completely different species. It is obvious, therefore, that genetic engineering is used for different things, in different situations. In this essay I will look at some of the varying uses genetic engineering has in todays world and the ethical implications of such uses. Genetic Engineering and the Law At present human cloning is illegal in the UK, although there are many countries were such a law does not exist. And although, technically, it may be possible to clone humans in the way animals have been, the Act of Parliament strictly forbids ever doing with human eggs what we have done with sheep eggs Dr Ron James Head of PPL Therapeutics. Nor are scientists allowed to mass produce human eggs for in-vitro fertilisation- something that many scientists have been pushing for for years. Genetically modified crops are also strictly controlled by the law. Such UK laws include: The Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations 1992 and The Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) Regulations 1992. These laws are in addition to the standard For Safety Act which specifies that food must be fit for consumption. Several government bodies have been set up to assess and regulate GM foods including ACNFP, COT, FAC and, the most important, The Department of Environment. The DOE requires tat anyone proposing a release must apply to them for consent first. It is then advised by the Advisory Committee on Release to the Environment on the granting of consents. At a European level, the Regulation on Novel Foods and Food Ingredients was introduced in May 1997 and covers labelling of foods no longer equivalent to its conventional counterparts. But despite the introduction of laws, many people are still unhappy, and are pushing for further action. For example the CIWF believe GM meat should be clearly labelled, although they also say it should not be sold in the first place. They see the genetic engineering of farm animals for food as cruel and unnecessary. But the question remains: are they right? Few people know the implications of genetic engineering and what it really involves and many are ignorant of what to expect from GM. Genetic Engineering and Animals/ Humans Everyone knows the story of the first cloned animal. The Finn Dorset sheep, known as Dolly, was the first new-born mammal to be cloned from adult cells and is a miracle for scientists the world over. She had opened many new windows of opportunity for scientists who hope to soon be able to clone humans using the same technology. The possibilities really are endless. A single cell from an elite racehorse could be used to create hundreds of identical copies, each with the same elite genetic makeup. However pleasing this heady new discovery is, there is a widespread argument over whether or not cloning is right. Is it simply a wonderful new way to develop a generation of disease-free animals and humans or is it tampering with nature and playing God? Many people see it as the answer to all problems, that screening can reveal vital information about a persons life span and health future. Genetic engineering could, in theory, identify genetic defects early on, giving time to replace the faulty gene and cure the sufferer. Predicting disease is a major use for genetic engineering and one that could change the way we live forever. At present scientist are working on a genetic test known as the GeneChip. They claim in a few years doctors will be able to take a simple mouth swab and, using the GeneChip, look through your DNA for disease prospects. Although they have come under fire from their critics, geneticists argue that anyone is entitled to know what their future holds for the health-wise. Indeed they say the information can be vital for planning out the rest of your life if, for example, you are a woman with a likelihood to develop breast cancer. Pre-natal diagnosis is also another option that could soon be open to the public. Parents could be made aware of any flaws there may be in their childs DNA and could decide whether or not to carry on with the pregnancy. Genetic engineering could also be used to grow substances like human insulin and growth hormone on a huge level. Currently scientists are looking at introducing blood-clotting genes for haemophiliacs and purifying milk from GM sheep for the treatment of cystic fibrosis. They are also hoping to study presently incurable diseases in the hope they might be able to introduce a cure using genetic engineering. There are also high hopes for animals in genetic engineering. Transgenic animals (or those that have been given a gene from another animal) have many uses. They can produce more meat and milk, feeding the starving, and they can grow faster, with the possibility of less fatty meat. They can be bred to resist disease, but also develop disease so they might be tested on for further research. A biotechnology firm in Cambridge is working on a transgensic pig that could be bred to grow desperately needed organs for transplant into human beings. The technique can also be used to knock out genes, deleting proteins so that they might prevent BSE in cows. But it isnt all good news for genetic engineering, in fact there is a lengthy and strong argument as to why it is dangerous to go to take it to these levels. Many have disagreed with the predicting of disease, saying that many people may not be able to cope with the knowledge that they may contract a terminal disease- it could ruin lives. Also there has been widespread outcry over the Association of Insurance Brokers announcement that it will not offer life insurance over i 100,100 to anyone who had taken a genetic test that had predicted fatal disease and since 1995 there has been pressure form MPs to develop a code of practise concerning genetic screening. There are also fears of employers discriminating against potential employees who have the potential for life threatening illness in later life. Although scientists hope genetic engineering will provide many choices for parents, the BMA has voiced its concerns that the industry will cause selective breeding or the choice to abort a baby because of undesirable characteristics such as physical traits. The BMA have also said people have been mislead about the power to screen for later abnormalities. It says The number of abnormalities which can be detected in this way is limited and few of the tests are conclusive. The problem many people have with genetic engineering is the risk of error that is involved. Screening is complex and it is difficult to be precise every time. Faulty diagnosis could put an end to job prospects or insurance benefits, not to mention the psychological problems arising from finding out you have the potential to contract a fatal disease.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Nigerian Benefits And Advantages Of Globalization Politics Essay

Nigerian Benefits And Advantages Of Globalization Politics Essay Globalization of the world economy is the integration of economies throughout the world through trade, financial flows, the exchange of technology and information, and the movement of people. The level of movement towards integration is clearly reflected in the rising importance of world trade and capital flows in the world economy. Furthermore globalization refers to the fact that we all are increasingly living in one world, so that individuals, groups and nations will become ever more interdependent. According to globalization 101, the Levin institute university of New York. He said globalization is the integration of economic, political, and cultural systems across the globe? Or is it the dominance of developed countries in decision-making, at the expense of poorer, less powerful nations? Is globalization a force for economic growth, prosperity, and democratic freedom? Or is it a force for environmental devastation, exploitation of the developing world, and suppression of human ri ghts? Does globalization only benefit the rich or can the poor take advantage of it to improve their well-being? Globalization refers to the fact that we are increasingly living in one world, so that individuals, groups, and nations become ever more interdependent. Globalization in this sense has been occurring over a long period of human history and it is certainly not restricted to the contemporary world. Nevertheless, current debates are much more focused on the sheer pace and intensity of globalization over the past 30years or so. Baylis and Smith defined globalization as the process of interconnectedness between societies such that events in one part of the world more and more have effects on people and the societies far away. E.g. the attack of 9/11 took place in a single country-the USA [9/11/2001]-but the event was seen around the world instantaneously on TV screens. The attack was carried out by the Al Qaeda, a loosely non-state organizations with followers in around 50 countries. They were arranged using globalised technology such as international bank accounts and internet. Globalization has cultural, economic, and political effects or impacts. In each of these areas the world seem to be shrinking so that geographical distance plays less of a role in limiting social life. The intensification o worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa. (Giddens 1990:21) The integration of the world economy. (Gilpin 2001:36) De-territorialization or the growth of supraterritorial relations between people. (scholte 2000:46) Time space compression (Harvey 1989) LITERATURE REVIEW According to martin Griffiths, he said globalization has certain identifiable characteristics, although there is no consensus in the field about any of them. In the first place, it involves a growing consciousness of the world as a single place. This is reflected in phrases such as global village and the global economy. Few places are more than a days travel away and communication across territorial borders is now almost instantaneous. In 1980 there were about 1 million international travelers per day. In 2000 more than 3 million people crossed territorial borders as tourists each day. And in 2003, the WTO estimated that global tourism generated nearly us693 billion. Second, new information and communication technology has improved access to overseas markets and streamlined both production and distribution of goods and the trade in foreign exchange. Third, human being are becoming more and more dependent upon one another as problems such as global warming, the international drugs trade and terrorism can only be managed through greater cooperation at a supranational level. It is true that not everybody benefits from globalization. To take full advantages of globalization it requires both capital and access to technology. Many states in the international system have neither. A large proportion of the worlds population, for example does not have access to the telephone. Being on the net is not something which makes a lot of sense to those living in the poorest parts of the third world. In other words, globalization may not be global after all. At best, its spread and impact are uneven. From the perspective of the OCECG countries, there are many unresolved issues with respect to globalization. Among them is its relationship to democracy. If globalization is indeed weakening the ability of states to make autonomous economic and political decisions, then one might argue that globalization is a dangerously anti-democratic force. According to Anthony Giddens, he argues that globalization is the result of industrialization and modernization, which picked up pace in the late 19th century. And in fact a strong case can be made that the world was highly globalized 100 or more years age. In the late 19th century, people could not move across national borders without passports. The extent of international trade and capital flow in the late 20thcentury only restored the level achieved before world war (1914-1918). According to Haralambos he said global economy is no longer basically agricultural or industrial in its basis but rather, it is progressively more dominated by activity that is light and insubstantial. This light or weightless economy is one in which products have their base in information, as is the case with computer software, media and entertainment products and internet-based services. The process of globalization is often portrayed exclusively as an economic occurrence. Much is made of the role of transnational corporations, whose colossal operations now extend across national borders, influencing global production processes and the international distribution of labour. Transnational corporations are companies that produce goods or market services in more than one country. These may be comparatively small firms with one or two factories outside the country in which they are based, or extremely large international ventures whose operations criss-cross the globe. Examples Coca-Col a, Kodak, Mitsubishi, etc, are oriented towards global markets and global profits; they are at the centre of economic globalization. They account for 2/3rds of all world trade, and are instrumental in the circulation of new technology around the globe and are major actors in international financial markets. Few years after the 2nd world war Tnc became a global process, its spread in the initial post war years came from firms based in the United States, but by 1970s, European and Japanese firms increasingly began to invest abroad. In the late 1980s and 1890s, Tcs expanded drastically with the establishment of three powerful regional markets; Europe [the single European market], Asia-Pacific [the Osaka Declaration guaranteed free and open trade by 2010] and North America [the North American free trade agreement]. Since the early 1990s countries in other areas of the world have also liberalized restrictions on foreign investment. By 21stc there were few economies in the world that stoo d beyond the reach of Tcs, in the past decade they have expanded their influence in the developing countries and in the societies of former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Others point to the electronic incorporation of global financial markets and the mammoth volume of global capital flows; banks, corporations, fund managers and individual investors are able to shift funds internationally with the click of a mouse. Still others focus on the unmatched capacity of world trade, involving a much broader variety of goods and services than ever before. Since World War 11 globalization has been driven by Trade negotiation rounds, originally under the auspices of GATT [General Agreement on Trade led to a treaty to create the World Trade Organizations [WTO], to mediate trade disputes. Other bi-and trilateral trade agreements, including section of Europes Maastricht Treaty and the North American Free Trade Agreement have also been signed in pursuit of the goal of reducing tariffs and barrie rs. According to Alain Anderson, he talked about the effect of globalization; he said that globalization is leading to a fall in the price of some goods and services because production is being switched from high cost location to low cost locations. For example, switching production of television sets from Wales to china will lead to a fall in labour costs because Chinese workers are prepared to work for a fraction of the wages of welsh worker are prepared to work for a fraction of the wages of welsh workers. Equally, the globalization of technology of technology means that a Chinese factory can employ the most advanced machines and methods of production to ensure lowest cost. However he also said globalization is leading to a rise in price in some goods and services. This is because globalization is raising average world incomes. Higher income means higher demand for individual products. According to Joshua s. Goldstein, he said that two keys events of recent globalization. The terrorists who plotted and carried out the September 11/2001, attacks used the internet t assist in planning, coordination and fundraising f or the attacks. And global economic recession of 2008-2009, which began with a collapse of the U.S home mortgage market, spread quickly to other nations. Highly integrated global financial markets created a ripple effect across the globe. Thus, two hallmarks of globalization-expanding communications technology and integrated markets-facilitated events that directly impacted our daily lives. According to Jon c. pevehouse, he sees globalization as the fruition of liberal economic principles. A global market place has brought growth and prosperity (not to all countries but to those most integrated with the global market). This economic process has made traditional states obsolete as economic units. States are thus losing authority to supranational institutions such as the international monetary fund (IMF) and the European Union (EU) and to transnational actors such as MNCs and NGOs. The values of technocrats and elite, educated citizens in liberal democracies are becoming global values, reflecting an emerging global civilization. The old north-south division is seen as less important, because the global south is moving in divergent directions depending on countries and regions integration with world markets. A second perspective is skeptical of these claims about globalization. This skeptics note that the worlds major economies are no integrated today than before World War 1 (when British hegemony provided a common set of expectations and institutions). The skeptics also doubt that regional and geographical distinctions such as the north-south divide are disappearing in favor of a single global market. Rather, they see the north-south gap as increasing with globalization. Also, the economic integration of states may be leading not to a single world free trade zone, but to distinct and rival regional blocs in America, Europe, and Asia. The supposed emerging world civilization is disproving by the fragmenting of large units (such as the Soviet Union) into smaller ones along lines of language, religion and other such as cultural factors. A third school of thought sees globalization as more profound than the skeptics believe, yet more uncertain than view of supporters of liberal economics. These transformationalists see state sovereignty as being eroded by the EU the WTO, and other new institution so that sovereignty is no longer an absolute but just one of a spectrum of bargaining leverage held by states. The bargaining itself increasingly involves no state actors. Thus globalization, but transformed to operate in new contexts with new tools. For the realist part, globalization does not alter the most significant feature of world politics, namely the territorial division of the world into nation-states. While the increased interconnectedness between economies and societies might make them more dependent one another, the same cannot be said about the states-system. Here, states retain sovereignty and globalization does not render obsolete the struggle for political power between states. Nor does it undermine the importance of the balance of power. Globalization may affect our social, economic and cultural lives, but it does not transcend the international political system of states. For the liberal part, the picture looks very different because they tend to see globalization as the end product of a long running transformation of world politics. For them, globalization fundamentally undermines realist accounts of world politics since it shows that states are no longer such central actors, of differing importance according to the issue area concerned. Liberals are particularly interested in the revolution in technology and communications represented by globalization. This increased interconnectedness between societies, which is economically and technologically led, results in a very different pattern of world political relations from that which has gone before. States are no longer sealed units, if ever they were, and as a result the world looks more like a cobweb of relations than like the state model of realism or the class model of Marxist theory. For Marxist theorists, globalization is a bit of a sham. It is nothing particularly new, and is really only the latest stage in the development of international capitalism. It does not mark a qualitative shift in world politics, nor does it render all our existing theories and concepts redundant. Above all, it is western led phenomenon which basically simply furthers the development of international capitalism. Rather than make the world more alike, it further deepens the existing divide between the core, the semi-periphery, and the periphery. For constructivist theorists, globalization tends to be presented as external force acting on states, which leaders often argue is a reality that they cannot challenge. This constructivists argue, is a very political act, since it underestimates the ability of leaders to challenge and shape globalization and instead allows them to duck responsibility by blaming the way the world is. Instead, constructivists think that we can mould globalization in a variety of ways, notably because it offers us very real chances to create cross national social movements aided by modern technological forms of communication such as the internet. The skeptical view of globalization. The skeptical accounts of globalization tend to dismiss its significance for the study of world politics. They do so on the ground that By comparison with the period 1870 to 1914, the world is much less globalized economically, politically and culturally. Rather than globalization, the contemporary world is marked by intensifying geopolitics, regionalization and internationalization. The vest bulk of international economic and political activity is concentrated within the group of OECD states. By comparison with the heyday of European global empires, the majority of the worlds population and countries in the south are now much less integrated into the global system. Geopolitics, state power, nationalism and territorial boundaries are growing, not less, importance in world politics. Internationalization or regionalizations are creatures of state policy not corporate actor or capitalist imperatives. Globalization is at best a self serving myth or ideology which reinforces western and particularly US hegemony in world politics. (hirst and Thompson 1999,2003) The impact of globalization on the developing countries by Chandrasekaran Balakrishnan Globalisation is the new exhortation that has come to dominate the world since the nineties of the last century with the end of the cold war and the break-up of the previous Soviet Union and the global development towards the regular globe. The frontiers of the state with increased dependence on the market economy and renewed faith in the private capital and resources, a process of structural adjustment spurred by the studies and influences of the World Bank and other International organisations have started in many of the developing countries. Also Globalisation has brought in new opportunities to developing countries. Greater access to developed country markets and technology transfer hold out promise improved productivity and higher living standard. But globalisation has also thrown up new challenges like growing inequality across and within nations, volatility in financial market and environmental deteriorations. Another negative aspect of globalisation is that a great majority o f developing countries remain removed from the process. Turn over the nineties the process of globalisation of the Indian economy was constrained by the barriers to trade and investment liberalisation of trade, investment and financial flows initiated in the nineties has increasingly lowered the barriers to competition and hastened the rate of globalisation POPULATION SIZE: 10 people. THE INSTRUMENT FOR DATA COLLECTION: internet, books, use of questionnaires. OBSERVATION My observation on globalization is that the notion that the indirect benefits of financial integration, which may be difficult to pick up in regression analysis, could be quite important. Also, the long-run gains, which in some cases have not yet been realized, may exceed the short-term costs. For instance, although Europes efforts to achieve monetary integration resulted in its being buffeted by severe and costly crises in the early 1990s, these efforts eventually brought about the transition to the single currency in use throughout much of Europe today. EXPERIENCES My experience of globalization has a great degree. Different from the level of development at which a country has engaged with it. Some developing countries and countries with economies in transition have been well positioned to take advantage of the new opportunities for trade and investment, and building on domestic savings, foreign investment and capital inflows, technology transfers, human resource development and export orientation, have achieved rapid economic growth. CONCLUSION The main conclusions is that, so far it has proven difficult to find robust evidence supporting the proposition that financial integration helps developing countries to improve growth rate.

The Features Of Institutional Bargaining Approach Politics Essay

The Features Of Institutional Bargaining Approach Politics Essay The birth of the concept of institutional bargain approach stems from the work of Oran R. Youngs criticism on the current rationalist and cognitivist approaches to define the regime formation. Schools of thought of the realist or neorealist highlights the existence of the dominant actors or hegemons possessing structural powers is a necessary condition for international regime formation or maintenance.  [5]  In the other hand, the liberal-institutionalism stresses that a sizable number of self-interested states would coordinate their behaviours to maximize absolute gains by devising mutually beneficial institutional arrangements reducing transaction costs.  [6]  The cognitive theorist underlines that it is the role of cognitive factors that influence the regime formation.  [7]   Literature Review The process of negotiations in climate change poses huge diplomatic and legal challenges to international community. The complexity of the climate change negotiations especially its dependence on science for political decisions have produced two set of perspectives at the negotiations; these are the countries of the view that they would do something to the problem and other countries of the view that would not do something to the problem. Most importantly, climate change negotiations has a unique political dynamic. Power at these negotiations does not derive simply from the size of the economy, but it derives from the fact that how much the country is emitting Greenhouse gases. The countries that pollute the environment hold the most bigger bargaining power. This paradigm poses a huge obstacle to reach a balanced outcome at the climate change negotiations. The book by William Marson (2011)  [8]  highlights the flaws of the climate change negotiations in Copenhagen, stating that group of elite polluters: the United States, the European Union and China have chips to deal and so they rule the game. The other barrier in ensuring a transparent negotiation lies on the issue of a paradigm shift in the environmental politics. The book by Pamela S. Chasek, David L. Brownie, Janet Welsh Brown (2010)  [9]  highlights that the paradigm shift in environmental politics has given rise to the participation of various actors in international environment negotiations and has drawn the climate change issue from dominant socio economic paradigm to the rise of alternative paradigm, in some cases making the problem of climate change a security issue. A collection of articles on the concept of equity  [10]  written by climate change negotiating experts of the BASIC  [11]  countries state the importance of having equitable access to atmospheric space and actions needed in mitigation and adaptation to come up with a long term global goal. In addition, Steve Vanderheiden ( 2008)  [12]  aims at presenting the negotiations of the climate change as revisiting norms such as fairness, equity and atmospheric justice. According to Vanderheiden, it is imperative to address the climate change negotiations in a manner that promotes fairness based on the ideals of equity and national responsibility has practical and principle justification. Dieter Helm and Cameron Hepburn (2009)  [13]  highlights that despite the acceleration of research and scientific explorations on climate change, the policy formation in climate change still disconnected with the findings of science and explains as to why this disconnect prevails. Dieter Helm, analysing the pros and cons of the existing international regimes on climate change highlights also disparity between the share of responsibility in the mitigation efforts between the developing and developed countries and states that unless all the countries are shouldering the responsibility in terms of mitigation, any future agreement in this regard will not be effective. With regard to the process of negotiation from Bali to Copenhagen, books by Abdrew E Dessler and Edward A. Parson ( 2006)  [14]  and a collection of articles in Political Theory and Global Climate Change by John Barry (2008)  [15]  and Negotiation capacity and strategies of Developing countries by Pamela Chesak and LavanyaRajamani ( UNDP report on Global Public Goods 2003)  [16]  and a UNDP report on sustaining human progress in a changing climate (2012)  [17]  present the argument of the disadvantages faced by the developing countries in international environment negotiations as they are being underrepresented or unrepresented at the key decision making moments. Even more so, an in depth analysis by Pamela S. Chasek in her book  [18]  on 30 years long negotiations on the Earth highlights the realpolitik of the environment negotiation and the reasons as to why an agreement is not feasible in the near future. In addition, on the academic literatures, the theoretical framework presented by Young highlights most of the issue as he has been carrying out lot of research and studies on the governance of natural resources and regime formation on same and also through his intervention of the institutional bargaining approach. In his book in 1989  [19]  , he has made an effort to explain the possibility of applying the international regimes and international institutions to address the problem of international coorperation on natural resources and environment. Also, another book by Young in 1994  [20]  is re-examines the basic issues focusing the distinction between governance systems and governments. Apart from regime formation it deals with the flaws of the international governance system and also it reaffirms the emergence of the concept of institutional bargaining as a method to create international regimes. In his books, Young (2002  [21]  and 2010  [22]  ), says that the cli mate change regime which us been created and in the process of being created does not account the nature of the problem, thus there is a mismatch between the character of the regimes created to address the nature of the problem. Thus so far, the materials that have been referring to however, does not approach the process of negotiation through the lens of the developing countries which are not major emitters. For example, those countries which did not allow the Copenhagen Accord to be adopted at the Copenhagen climate conference, are not the major emitters nor they were financially powerful. They were belonging to an economic block in the Latin American continent and to the Small Island Developing States. Most of them were poor countries with least economic and political standing in the world affairs. Then how did Copenhagen go wrong and what was the reason for hundreds of other nations to rally around this small group of countries with weak or no economic power? According to the institutional bargain theory, it could be because of the power of transnational alliances as well as the breaking of the consensus rule. Through the theoretical analysis, this paper will examine the reasons for a small group of coun tries to win the climate battle without allowing it to divert the years long negotiations to fail. It also aims at examining the different tactics and strategies by major emitters in terms promising much and committing little and thereby utilizing the process of negotiation to produce yet again an international agreement which has taken into account the concerns of the most vulnerable and badly affected by the problem. Features of Institutional Bargaining Approach Critics of realism, neorealism and neoliberalism often states that these theories base their assumption on the same flaws and dynamics thus does not pay much attention to the process of negotiation. As stated earlier, most of the time, these theories explain why states cooperate rather than how they are cooperating and as to how the regimes are being formed. The approach of institutional bargaining display the dynamics and flaws of how states cooperate based on their interests which derive from their domestic realities. The main assumption of this approach is analysing the regimes through interests. Main features of the institutional bargain approach are highlighted as follows: Consensus Rule and Multiple actors There are several actors in international institutions. Be it states parties which could be as low as 15 and there are international regimes which has 180 States parties and hundreds of observers from international organizations and civil society etc. In addition, the institutional bargain model base the assumptions on the consensus rule. It is normal for some parties to resist, reject an international negotiations, but it does not mean that the others who would want an outcome not to put their full effort in reaching an agreement, which all parties would be approving. Even though it may be difficult to reach politically an unanimous agreement, it is the basis for any agreement to come to life in the international system. Therefore unanimously is essential when States bargain in designing international regimes  [23]  . Mixed Motive Bargaining According to Young, there are two types of bargaining. One is termed as distributive, is when negotiators will know in advance what they would gain out of a negotiation. This information reaches them through the strategic behaviour and the tactics that they would use in committing to certain issues and positions of others. One of the main points in the distributive bargaining is that the negotiators would lose in one while they gain from the other. The second type of bargaining is integrative bargaining where the negotiators bargain in the absence of fixed contract or negotiation set.  [24]  Due to the lack of information on strategies, the negotiators will try to explore the possible agreements for the mutual benefits. Climate change negotiations and its framing into a model of distributive or integrative lies on the degree of approach of the negotiators to bargain with each other. This can be done only through the level proof through science on the scale of the global warming a nd thereby to rest aside the uncertainties on the issue itself. The veil of uncertainty The term veil of uncertainty is the explanation of dearth of information, knowledge about the issue, or the lack of confidence in making decisions or expressing the preferences. According to Young, the veil of uncertainty give rise for the parties to agree with each other.  [25]  Most of the time, the negotiating parties in the institutional bargaining process perform under a veil of uncertainty on the future positions and interests. No Party would know what would be their future positions when negotiations are taking place. Therefore, when the Party has to choose among many rules, it is much more difficult for a person to determine which of the several choice options confronted will, indeed, maximize whatever set of values that person desired to maximize  [26]  . One of the reason for this behaviour is that the negotiator may be suffering from the notion of loss of interest identity. This becomes all the more prominent in climate change negotiations as the negotiators are de pending on scientific evidence, which some States do not accept as a negotiation information, therefore, individual negotiators who faces different set of choices can become uncertain about the impact of the alternate position that it can take. In addition, this level of uncertainty makes the negotiator to agree with the arrangements or the choice that can be perceived as the faire one which is broadly acceptable to the majority. Problems and Approaches In a negotiation, the negotiators are focusing on the key issues and try to reconcile their differences on these issues rather than trying to reach an agreement on the exact areas of the regime. In this context, the negotiating text is produces to serve as a guiding tool for the negotiators and to reconcile their differences in the process. For example, as Chasek highlights one of the major characteristics of Climate Change negotiations is producing a draft text either by the chair of the working group or the COP President  [27]  . For example, after the Bali Road Map was adopted the Ad-Hoc Working Group on Longterm Cooperative Action ( AWG-LCA) was initiated and at each COP the Chair of the LCA was requested by the negotiators to produce a text highlighting the key issues of divergence and convergence. This course of action was repeated till the Copenhagen and at the Copenhagen there were texts produce by the Chairs of Working Groups each day. This course of action was aiming at narrowing down the differences and to leave the key issues of divergence for the political leadership to deliver. Transnational Alliances States are of diverse interests and political identities. The grouping in the international negotiations, especially at the United Nations have been made on the basis of geographical regions. Therefore, states with diverse interests and identities have been composed into these groups  [28]  . It is then natural that conflict of interest arise and they tend to be inter regional or/and intra- regional. Thus the States, in a negotiation process tend to align themselves or create alliances among the similar states with similar interests, these transnational alliances are highly influential in regime creating. They hold the negotiation positions or let lose them as and when they deem fit and as and when they cater their interests. For example, the Alliance of Small Island Developing States ( AOSIS)  [29]  and the ALBA  [30]  ( Alliances of Bolivarian Republic)group of countries as well as the LDCs ( Least Developed Countries) play a critical role in climate change negotiations . Their critical role was one of the key elements in shaping the negotiations as well as reaching agreements from Bali to Copenhagen  [31]  . Shifting Involvements According to Young, the institutional bargaining model all the time linked with gamut of issues and events happening in the socioeconomic and political environment  [32]  . These unfolding political and socioeconomic events pose different degrees of obstacles for the regime creation, and also complicating the negotiations and sometimes some parties as they struggle with domestic matters, they simply ignore the current issues. This situation can lead to reach an agreement through package deals such as that of practised in Copenhagen through the Copenhagen Accord. Or in some cases, the parties may borrow the assistance from the civil society and the NGO community to facilitate them in regime creation. For example after the failure in Copenhagen, the package deal reached in Cancun at the COP 16 was generously assisted by the civil society and the NGO community at the time it was being approved by the COP plenary despite the objection by the State of Bolivia. Factors to account the success of Institutional Bargaining Approach in Climate Change Negotiations Institutional bargaining is simply is bargaining to create an institution and this approach focuses on the process of regime setting as a priority. Young foresee major two flaws in rationalist approach of bargaining  [33]  . On one hand the rationalists approach according to Young is overly optimisitic as it regards that actors are rationally cooperate. On the other hand, the rationalists fails to consider major obstacles that disturbs the process of reaching an agreement. Severe obstacles such as problems arising strategic behaviour, intra-party behaviour, lack of trust among the parties are not considered in the rationalist approach. In sum, the model of institutional bargaining has two folds, these are descriptive and analytical. Under the descriptive folder, it seeks to outline essential circumstances under which collective efforts to form regimes regularly takes place. Analytically, it lays down several factors that are critically useful for the success of those efforts  [ 34]  . These are as follows: Contractual Environment blurring the zone of agreement and veiling the future distribution benefits Institutional bargaining can succeed only when the issues at stakes lend themselves to treatment in a contractarian mode.  [35]   Under a veil of uncertainty, negotiators of a process aim at reaching agreement on the terms of a social contract in order to solve the collective-action problems. Also, in a consensus-ruled situation, it is important that the parties avoid positional deadlocks in this contractarian environment. Thus, collective-action problems which will be solved through devising institutional arrangements vary in the degree to which they lend themselves to treatment in contractarian terms.  [36]   Exogenous shock of crisis Exogenous shocks or crises increase the probability of success in efforts to negotiate the terms of governance systems  [37]  . For example, in the case of Chernobyl, led the process of negotiation for a legal outcome in the nuclear treaty. In the case of the depletion of Ozone layer also influenced enormously the negotiations in the Montreal Protocol. In the case of climate change negotiations, the hot summer in the USA and Canada, influence the two countries to make arrangements for the Toronto Conference. However, Young informs that creeping crisis of global warming has not thus so far had an effect just as the Chernobyl crisis or Ozone hole on the negotiation process  [38]  . Availability of equitable solution Young asserts that the availability of arrangements that all participants can accept as equitable is necessary for institutional bargaining to succeed  [39]  . Without emphasising the achievement of allocative efficiency by utilitarian models, equal attention should be paid to equity as negotiating environment features a consensus rule. In this context, the institutional bargaining can yield success only when all the major parties and interest groups agree that their concerns have been treated fairly. For example, the importance of historical greenhouse gas emissions and the act

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Salvia divinorum, Herb of Mary, the Shepherdess Essay example -- Botan

Salvia divinorum, Herb of Mary, the Shepherdess Salvia divinorum Epling & J. Tiva-M. is a member of the mint family (or Lamiaceae) native to the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. It is used by the Mazatec Indians of the region, in a manner similar to psilocybian mushrooms and lysergic acid-containing morning glory seeds, as a ritual entheogen (hallucinogen) and divinatory aid. It is propagated vegetatively by the Mazatecs, and no wild specimens of the plant have been observed by researchers. The diterpene salvinorin A is the chemical responsible for the visionary effects of this species. The plant now enjoys limited use among "basement shamans" in the North as an entheogen similar to LSD and psilocybian mushrooms, and is sometimes cultivated for this reason. Description A collection of Salvia divinorum suitable for identification was originally made by Wasson and Hofmann in 1962 and described by Epling and J. Tiva-M. as a new species (Epling and J. Tiva-M. 1962). The description was later amended by Reisfield. The plant is a perennial herb with trailing stems that grow from 0.5 to 1.5 m tall and have a square shape characteristic of mints. The flowers are white, turning blue with age, and borne on racemes (Reisfield 1993). It was originally described by Schultes as having all blue flowers, due to the fact that the calyces are blue (Ott 1996). Nutlets are rare among greenhouse cultivated plants, and have never been observed in the wild (Reisfield 1993). The cloud forests and tropical evergreen forests of the Sierra Mazateca mountain range provide the ideal conditions for S. divinorum growth. It lives in dark, humid areas at an elevation of between 300 and 1800 m. Propagation is vegetative, through rooting at the nodes of the l... ...e to be concerned that S. divinorum and salvinorin A have the potential to become "drugs of abuse" (Valds 1994). Bibliography Epling, C. and J. Tiva-M., C. 1962. A new species of Salvia from Mexico. Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University 20: 75-76. Ott, J. 1996. Psychoactive Card IV: Salvia divinorum Epling et Jativa. Eleusis 4: 31-39. Ott, J. 1993. Pharmacotheon. Natural Products. Kenniwick, WA. Valds, L.J., III; DÂ ¡az, J.L. & Paul, A.G. 1983. Ethnopharmacology of Ska Maria Pastora (Salvia divinorum, Epling and J tiva-M.). Journal of Ethnopharmacology 7: 287-312. Valds, L.J., III. 1994. Salvia divinorum and the unique diterpene hallucinogen, salvinorin (divinorin) A. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 26(3): 277-283. Wasson, R.G. 1962. A new Mexican psychotropic drug from the mint family. Botanical Museum leaflets, Harvard University 20: 77-84. Salvia divinorum, Herb of Mary, the Shepherdess Essay example -- Botan Salvia divinorum, Herb of Mary, the Shepherdess Salvia divinorum Epling & J. Tiva-M. is a member of the mint family (or Lamiaceae) native to the mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. It is used by the Mazatec Indians of the region, in a manner similar to psilocybian mushrooms and lysergic acid-containing morning glory seeds, as a ritual entheogen (hallucinogen) and divinatory aid. It is propagated vegetatively by the Mazatecs, and no wild specimens of the plant have been observed by researchers. The diterpene salvinorin A is the chemical responsible for the visionary effects of this species. The plant now enjoys limited use among "basement shamans" in the North as an entheogen similar to LSD and psilocybian mushrooms, and is sometimes cultivated for this reason. Description A collection of Salvia divinorum suitable for identification was originally made by Wasson and Hofmann in 1962 and described by Epling and J. Tiva-M. as a new species (Epling and J. Tiva-M. 1962). The description was later amended by Reisfield. The plant is a perennial herb with trailing stems that grow from 0.5 to 1.5 m tall and have a square shape characteristic of mints. The flowers are white, turning blue with age, and borne on racemes (Reisfield 1993). It was originally described by Schultes as having all blue flowers, due to the fact that the calyces are blue (Ott 1996). Nutlets are rare among greenhouse cultivated plants, and have never been observed in the wild (Reisfield 1993). The cloud forests and tropical evergreen forests of the Sierra Mazateca mountain range provide the ideal conditions for S. divinorum growth. It lives in dark, humid areas at an elevation of between 300 and 1800 m. Propagation is vegetative, through rooting at the nodes of the l... ...e to be concerned that S. divinorum and salvinorin A have the potential to become "drugs of abuse" (Valds 1994). Bibliography Epling, C. and J. Tiva-M., C. 1962. A new species of Salvia from Mexico. Botanical Museum Leaflets, Harvard University 20: 75-76. Ott, J. 1996. Psychoactive Card IV: Salvia divinorum Epling et Jativa. Eleusis 4: 31-39. Ott, J. 1993. Pharmacotheon. Natural Products. Kenniwick, WA. Valds, L.J., III; DÂ ¡az, J.L. & Paul, A.G. 1983. Ethnopharmacology of Ska Maria Pastora (Salvia divinorum, Epling and J tiva-M.). Journal of Ethnopharmacology 7: 287-312. Valds, L.J., III. 1994. Salvia divinorum and the unique diterpene hallucinogen, salvinorin (divinorin) A. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 26(3): 277-283. Wasson, R.G. 1962. A new Mexican psychotropic drug from the mint family. Botanical Museum leaflets, Harvard University 20: 77-84.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Women in Management of Grief and A Pair of Tickets Essay -- Women Imag

Women in Management of Grief and A Pair of Tickets Both Management of Grief and A Pair of Tickets were written by women and about women. Authors were able to portray an image of women which differs from the traditional, stereotypical literary image of feeble and delicate creatures who needed to be cared for. Women in these stories were faced with horrible tragedies, but the determining element in their experience was not so much what happened to them but how they took it. After reading first few pages of Management of Grief one may see Shaila as "traditional" Indian woman who due to her upbringing was not even comfortable enough with her own husband: "I was too much the well brought up woman. I was so well brought up I never felt comfortable calling my husband by his first name" (Mukherjee 537). For a person who grew up in North American society this revelation may seem to come from an oppressed female, but later on in the story we learn that protagonist could stand up for herself and for other women, like in the airport incident. There again we were reminded of the way she was brought up: "Once upon a time we were well brought up women; we were dutiful wives who kept our heads veiled, our voices shy and sweet" (543). Only this time the statement is ironic. Shaila's actions show us that she is far from the voiceless, week female she was brought up to be. Shaila was not responsible for her own heredity. She could not control much of her environment ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Richard Nixon :: essays research papers

Reconciliation was the first goal set by President Richard M. Nixon. The Nation was painfully divided, with turbulence in the cities and war overseas. During his Presidency, Nixon succeeded in ending American fighting in Viet Nam and improving relations with the U.S.S.R. and China. But the Watergate scandal brought fresh divisions to the country and ultimately led to his resignation. His election in 1968 had climaxed a career unusual on two counts: his early success and his comeback after being defeated for President in 1960 and for Governor of California in 1962. Born in California in 1913, Nixon had a brilliant record at Whittier College and Duke University Law School before beginning the practice of law. In 1940, he married Patricia Ryan; they had two daughters, Patricia (Tricia) and Julie. During World War II, Nixon served as a Navy lieutenant commander in the Pacific. On leaving the service, he was elected to Congress from his California district. In 1950, he won a Senate seat. Two years later, General Eisenhower selected Nixon, age 39, to be his running mate. As Vice President, Nixon took on major duties in the Eisenhower Administration. Nominated for President by acclamation in 1960, he lost by a narrow margin to John F. Kennedy. In 1968, he again won his party's nomination, and went on to defeat Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey and third-party candidate George C. Wallace. His accomplishments while in office included revenue sharing, the end of the draft, new anticrime laws, and a broad environmental program. As he had promised, he appointed Justices of conservative philosophy to the Supreme Court. One of the most dramatic events of his first term occurred in 1969, when American astronauts made the first moon landing. Some of his most acclaimed achievements came in his quest for world stability. During visits in 1972 to Beijing and Moscow, he reduced tensions with China and the U.S.S.R. His summit meetings with Russian leader Leonid I. Brezhnev produced a treaty to limit strategic nuclear weapons. In January 1973, he announced an accord with North Viet Nam to end American involvement in Indochina. In 1974, his Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, negotiated disengagement agreements between Israel and its opponents, Egypt and Syria. In his 1972 bid for office, Nixon defeated Democratic candidate George McGovern by one of the widest margins on record. Within a few months, his administration was embattled over the so-called "Watergate" scandal, stemming from a break-in at the offices of the Democratic National Committee during the 1972 campaign.

Well Elder Project

She has no plans about where and how she wants to live out the remaining years of her life other than â€Å"right where she is now†. I have to say that was extremely concerned with her Brick wall she has built around the concept of aging and dying. I do not think that my elder has accepted the fact that the only guarantee in life is that everyone will eventually die. She has also not come to terms with God and is not sure if she even believes in God, even, hell, reincarnation, afterlife, or any of those sort of things. . Explain which developmental tasks your client has met or not met: My client has maintained a close, supportive, loving relationship with her spouse. (l did not talk to her about sex†¦ I felt that was intrusive) did learn that they still sleep in the same bed because she says he snores really loud. They have had issues adjusting to life on a limited income, her husband like to buy stuff and if they don't have the money he charges it.They both seem like the y are able to perform all the Dad's necessary for day to day life. My elder is even able to match her clothes really well considering her poor eyesight and does so without the help of her husband. My client has difficulty accepting the facts of life. 3. Describe possible reasons specific developmental tasks have not been met: think my client has trouble meeting certain developmental tasks as she ages because she is not ready to accept the fact that death is inevitable.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

United Kingdom Political System

The joined domain is a unitary democracy g everywherened within the good framework of a compositional monarchy, in which the autonomous is the judgment of state and the rosiness parson of the linked country is the forefront of establishment. administrator power is exercised by Her Majestys regime, on behalf of and by the consent of the Monarch, as well as by the devolved G everywherenments of Scot terra firma and Wales, and the northerly Ireland Executive.Legislative power is vested in the ii chambers of the sevens of the linked far-offming, the residence of super C and the hearth of Lords, as well as in the sparing fan tan and Welsh and northerly Ireland assemblies. The work bench is independent of the decision seducer and the law- cookrs. The highest home(a) cost is the Supreme Court of the United land. The UK semipolitical dodge is a multi- ships company transcription. Since the 1920s, the deuce Brobdingnagianst political parties shit been th e conservativist c all told in aller and the poke fellowship.Before the promote companionship rose in British politics the freehanded company was the other major(ip) political caller a longsighted with the conservatives. Though federation and nonage authoritiess adjudge been an occasional feature of parliamentary politics, the beginning-past-the-post electoral system used for oecumenical elections tends to maintain the dominance of these two parties, though each has in the past light speed relied upon a trey caller to depict a working legal age in parliament. The current orthodox- tolerant populist confederacy goerning activity is the root coalition since 1974.With the partition of Ireland, Union Ireland received home rule in 1920, though civilized unrest meant acquire rule was restored in 1972. Support for ultranationalistic parties in Scotland and Wales led to proposals for degeneracy in the 1970s though lone nearly(prenominal) in the 1990s did d evolution actually happen. forthwith, Scotland, Wales and Union Ireland each possess a legislature and executive director, with devolution in blue Ireland beingness conditional on participation in trustworthy all-Ireland institutions.The United commonwealth system prudent for non-devolved matters and, in the case of Federal Ireland, co-operates with the Republic of Ireland. It is a matter of departure as to whether increased autonomy and devolution of executive and legislative powers has contributed to a step-down in withstand for independence. The principal pro-independence caller, the Scotch National political caller, win an overall majority of MSPs at the 2011 stinting parliament elections and at once influences the Scottish Government administration, with plans to behave a referendum on negotiating for independence. In Union Ireland,the largest Pro-Belfast belowstanding fellowship, Sinn Fin, non only advocates Northern Irelands unification with the Rep ublic of Ireland, but in like manner abstains from taking their elective place in the Westminster disposal, as this would entail taking a pledge of allegiance to the British monarch. The composing of the United Kingdom is uncodified, being make up of constitutional rules, statutes and other elements such(prenominal) as EU law. This system of regime, cognise as the Westminster system, has been adopted by other countries, especially those that were put to workerly parts of the British Empire.The United Kingdom is as well as responsible for s of all beatal dependencies, which fall into two categories the detonator dependencies, in the immediate vicinity of the UK, and British Overseas Territories, which startated as colonies of the British Empire. The British Monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II, is the Chief of suppose of the United Kingdom. Though she motors little mold part in judicature, the Crown dust the fount in which ultimate executive power over Government l ies.These powers be k immediately as kingly exclusive right and chiffonier be used for a vast amount of things, such as the bother or withdrawal of headlandports, to the departure of the extremum attend or steady the Declaration of War. The powers be delegated from the Monarch nearlybodyally, in the ring of the Crown, and laughingstock be reach to various ministers, or other Officers of the Crown, and clear purposely bypass the consent of Parliament. The head of Her Majestys Government the patriarchal parson, as well as has periodical meetings with the sovereign, where she whitethorn express her feelings, warn, or apprize the blossom look in the Governments work.According to the uncodified constitution of the United Kingdom, the monarch has the chase powers domestic Powers The monarch appoints a Prime organisation minister as the head of Her Majestys Government in the United Kingdom, guided by the exacting convention that the Prime Minister should be th e piece of the domicile of Commons virtually likely to be able to excogitate a Government with the support of that ingleside. In practice, this means that the attraction of the political ships company with an despotic majority of set in the House of Commons is chosen to be the Prime Minister.If no party has an absolute majority, the leader of the largest party is effrontery the scratch line opportunity to make believe a coalition. The Prime Minister and so selects the other Ministers which make up the Government and act as political heads of the various Government discussion sections. slightly twenty of the more or less aged(a) government activity ministers make up the storage locker and just about 100 ministers in total even off the government. In accordance with constitutional convention, all ministers within the government ar all segments of Parliament or peers in the House of Lords.As in some other parliamentary systems of government (especially those bas ed upon the Westminster clay), the executive (called the government) is gaunt from and is answerable to Parliament a successful voter turnout of no dominance leave alone gouge the government all to resign or to seek a parliamentary dissolution and a superior normal election. In practice, divisions of parliament of all major parties be strictly controlled by whips who accent to ensure they vote according to party policy. If the government has a large majority, indeed they argon very unlikely to nod off enough votes to be unable to pass legislating.The Prime Minister and the footlocker David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (2010) The Prime Minister is the most senior minister in the Cabinet. She/he is responsible for chairing Cabinet meetings, selecting Cabinet ministers (and all other positions in Her Majestys government), and formulating government policy. The Prime Minister is the de facto leader of the UK government, since s/he exercises executive fun ctions that are nominally vested in the sovereign (by substance of the Royal Prerogatives). Historically, the British monarch was the repair source of executive powers in the government.However, avocation the rule of the Hanoverian monarchs, an arrangement of a Prime Minister chairing and leading the Cabinet began to emerge. Over clipping, this arrangement became the effective executive branch of government, as it assumed the day-after-day functioning of the British government apart from the sovereign. Theoretically, the Prime Minister is primus inter pares (Latin for commencement ceremony among equals) among his/her Cabinet colleagues. While the Prime Minister is the senior Cabinet Minister, s/he is theoretically bound to make executive decisions in a collective forge with the other Cabinet ministers.The Cabinet, along with the PM, consists of Secretaries of arouse from the various government departments, the Lord spunky Chancellor, the Lord Privy Seal, the President of t he maturate of Trade, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Ministers without portfolio. Cabinet meetings are typically held weekly, enchantment Parliament is in session Government departments and the cultivated religious service The Government of the United Kingdom contains a look of ministries cognise mainly, though not exclusively as departments, Ministry of Defense.These are politically led by a Government Minister who is often a secretary of State and member of the Cabinet. He or she may also be gage up by a number of junior Ministers. In practice, several government departments and Ministers sport responsibilities that cover England alone, with devolved bodies having responsibility for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, (for example the Department of Health), or responsibilities that mainly focus on England (such as the Department for Education). death penalty of the Ministers decisions is carried out by a stable politically neutral organization cogni se as the civil service.Its constitutional image is to support the Government of the day disregardless of which political party is in power. dissimilar some other democracies, senior civil servants remain in post upon a change of Government. Administrative management of the Department is led by a head civil servant k forthwithn in most Departments as a unchangeable Secretary. The majority of the civil service cater in fact work in executive agencies, which are separate in operation(p) organizations reporting to Departments of State. Whitehall is often used as a metonym for the central summation of the genteel Service.This is because most Government Departments pick out supply in and around the former Royal Palace Whitehall. Legislatures The UK Parliament is the supreme legislative body in the United Kingdom (i. e. , thither is parliamentary sovereignty), and Government is drawn from and answerable to it. Parliament is bicameral, consisting of the House of Commons and the H ouse of Lords. in that respect is also a devolved Scottish Parliament and devolved Assemblies in Wales and Northern Ireland, with varying degrees of legislative authority. UK ParliamentHouse of Commons It is a Sand-colored building of Gothic design with large clock-tower. Parliament meets at the Palace of Westminster British House of Commons The Countries of the United Kingdom are divided into parliamentary constituencies of oecumenicly equal population by the quadruple Boundary Commissions. Each constituency elects a Member of Parliament (MP) to the House of Commons at prevalent preferences and, if required, at by-elections. As of 2010 there are 650 constituencies (there were 646 before that years general election.Of the 650 system of macrophages, all but one Lady Sylvia Hermon conk out to a political party. In late times, all Prime Ministers and Leaders of the ambition gull been drawn from the Commons, not the Lords. Alec Douglas-Home re write from his peerages age a fter becoming Prime Minister in 1963, and the last Prime Minister before him from the Lords left over(p) in 1902 (the marquis of Salisbury). One party usually has a majority in Parliament, because of the use of the number one gear Past the Post electoral system, which has been contributive in creating the current two party system.The monarch normally asks a person commissioned to form a government simply whether it can survive in the House of Commons, something which majority governments are expect to be able to do. In majestic circumstances the monarch asks someone to form a government with a parliamentary minority which in the event of no party having a majority requires the formation of a coalition government. This option is only ever taken at a time of national emergency, such as war-time. It was given in 1916 to Andrew Bonar Law, and when he declined, to David Lloyd George and in 1940 to Winston performill.A government is not organise by a vote of the House of Commons it is a commission from the monarch. The House of Commons gets its scratch chance to indicate confidence in the upstart government when it votes on the voice communication from the Throne (the legislative program proposed by the new government). House of Lords The House of Lords was antecedently a largely transmittable depressed chamber, although including life peers, and Lords Spiritual. It is currently mid-way through colossal reforms, the most new-fashioned of these being enacted in the House of Lords identification number 1999.The house consists of two very several(predicate) types of member, the Lords secular and Lords Spiritual. Lords Temporal include appointed members (life peers with no hereditary right for their descendants to sit in the house) and ninety-two remaining hereditary peers, select from among, and by, the holders of titles which previously gave a seat in the House of Lords. The Lords Spiritual represent the open Church of England and number twenty-s ix the cardinal dollar bill Ancient Sees (Canterbury, York, capital of the United Kingdom, Winchester and Durham), and the 21 next-most senior bishops.The House of Lords currently acts to review legislation initiated by the House of Commons, with the power to propose amendments, and can exercise a suspensive veto. This allows it to de marchesine legislation if it does not approve it for dozen months. However, the use of vetoes is delineateed by convention and by the operation of the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949 the Lords may not veto the money bills or major manifesto promises (see Salisbury convention). stern use of the veto can also be overturned by the Commons, under a provision of the Parliament Act 1911.Often governments will accept changes in legislation in order to avoid twain the time delay, and the negative publicity of being seen to clash with the Lords. However the Lords still conduct a full veto in acts which would extend the life of Parliament beyond the 5 year frontier limit introduced by the Parliament Act 1911. The inherent Reform Act 2005 outlined plans for a Supreme Court of the United Kingdom to replace the role of the Law Lords. The House of Lords was replaced as the final court of woo on civil cases within the United Kingdom on 1 October 2009, by the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom.Devolved national legislatures Though the UK parliament remains the sovereign parliament, Scotland has a parliament and Wales and Northern Ireland have assemblies. De jure, each could have its powers broadened, narrowed or changed by an Act of the UK Parliament. However, Scotland has a tradition of popular sovereignty as fence to parliamentary sovereignty and the fact that the Scottish parliament was realized following a referendum would make it politically difficult to significantly alter its powers without popular consent.The UK is therefore a unitary state with a devolved system of government. This contrasts with a federal system, in which sub-parliaments or state parliaments and assemblies have a all the way defined constitutional right to represent and a right to exercise certain constitutionally guaranteed and defined functions and cannot be unilaterally abolished by Acts of the central parliament. All leash devolved institutions are elect by proportionate representation the Additional Member System is used in Scotland and Wales, and Single transportable vote is used in Northern Ireland.England, therefore, is the only country in the UK not to have a devolved position parliament. However, senior politicians of all main parties have gentle concerns in regard to the West Lothian Question, which is elevated where certain policies for England are set by MPs from all quartette dowry nations whereas similar policies for Scotland or Wales might be decided in the devolved assemblies by legislators from those countries alone.Alternative proposals for English regional government have stalled, following a poorly re ceived referendum on devolved government for the North eastern hemisphere of England, which had still been considered the region most in privilege of the idea, with the exception of Cornwall, where there is widespread support for a Cornish Assembly, including all five Cornish MPs. England is therefore governed according to the parallelism of parties across the whole of the United Kingdom. The government has no plans to establish an English parliament or assembly although several pinch sorts are calling for one.One of their main arguments is that MPs (and thus voters) from different parts of the UK have inconsistent powers. Currently an MP from Scotland can vote on legislation which affects only England but MPs from England (or indeed Scotland) cannot vote on matters devolved to the Scottish parliament. Indeed, the former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who is an MP for a Scottish constituency, introduced some laws that only affect England and not his own constituency. This anomal y is known as the West Lothian question.The policy of the UK Government in England was to establish elected regional assemblies with no legislative powers. The capital of the United Kingdom Assembly was the first of these, established in 2000, following a referendum in 1998, but gain ground plans were devoted following rejection of a proposal for an elected assembly in North East England in a referendum in 2004. Unelected regional assemblies remain in place in eight regions of England. There are two main parties in the United Kingdom the fusty political party, and the push political party.There is also a significant third party, the bounteous Democrats. The forward-looking buttoned-down political party was founded in 1834 and is an counterbalance of the Tory movement or party, which began in 1678. Today it is still colloquially referred to as the Tory fellowship and its members as Tories. The on the loose(p) Democrats were organise in 1988 by a unification of the in formal company and the Social popular political party (SDP), a fag breakaway organize in 1981. The slacks and SDP had contested elections together as the SDP free-handed Alliance for seven historical period before.The novel Liberal party had been founded in 1859 as an outgrowth of the Whig movement or party (which began at the same time as the Tory party and was its historical rival) as well as the Radical and Peelite tendencies. The Liberal Party was one of the two predominate parties (along with the Conservatives) from its founding until the 1920s, when it rapidly declined and was supplanted on the left by the struggle Party, which was founded in 1900 and create its first government in 1924.Since that time, the diligence and Conservatives parties have been dominant, with the Liberal Democrats also keeping a significant number of seats and increasing their share of the vote in parliamentary general elections in the four elections 1992. Conservatives The Conservative Pa rty win the largest number of seats at the 2010 general election, go 307 MPs, though not enough to make an overall majority. As a outcome of negotiations following the election, they entered a formal coalition with the Liberal Democrats to form a majority government.The Conservative party can pull back its origin back to 1662, with the Court Party and the Country Party being create in the aftermath of the English Civil War. The Court Party soon became known as the Tories, a name that has stuck condescension the official name being Conservative. The term Tory originates from the Exclusion Bill crisis of 1678-1681 the Whigs were those who supported the extrusion of the Roman Catholic Duke of York from the thrones of England, Ireland and Scotland, and the Tories were those who inappropriate it.Both name calling were originally insults a whiggamore was a horse cavalry drover (See Whiggamore Raid), and a tory (Traidhe) was an Irish term for an outlaw, later applied to Irish Co nfederates and Irish Royalists, during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. Generally, the Tories were associated with lesser gentry and the Church of England, magical spell Whigs were more associated with trade, money, larger land holders (or land magnates), expansion and tolerance of Catholicism.The Rochdale Radicals were a assort of more extreme reformists who were also heavily involved in the conjunctive movement. They sought to bring about a more equal society, and are considered by modern standards to be left-wing. After becoming associated with repression of popular discontent in the age after 1815, the Tories underwent a perfect transmutation under the influence of Robert Peel, himself an industrialist rather than a landowner, who in his 1834 Tamworth Manifesto outlined a new Conservative philosophy of reforming ills while conserving the good.Though Peels supporters subsequently scatter from their colleagues over the issue of free trade in 1846, in the end joining the Whi gs and the Radicals to form what would become the Liberal Party, Peels version of the partys underlying outlook was carry by the remaining Tories, who adopted his judge of Conservative as the official name of their party. The crushing defeat of the 1997 election dictum the Conservative Party lose over half their seats from 1992 and saw the party re-align with public perceptions of them.In 2008, the Conservative Party formed a pact with the Ulster union member Party to select joint candidates for European and House of Commons elections this angered the DUP as by splitting the trade unionist vote, republican parties will be elected in some areas. After thirteen years as the official opposition, the Party returned to power as part of a coalition with the Liberal Democrats in 2010. Historically, the party has been the mainland party most pre-occupied by British Unionism, as prove to by the partys full name, the Conservative & Unionist Party.This resulted in the merger between the Conservatives and Joseph Chamberlains Liberal Unionist Party, composed of former Liberals who opposed Irish home rule. The unionist aim is still in evidence today, manifesting sometimes as a skepticism or opposition to devolution, firm support for the proceed existence of the United Kingdom in the face of separatist nationalism, and a historic link with the cultural unionism of Northern Ireland. grate The labor party Party won the second largest number of seats in the House of Commons at the 2010 general election, with 258 MPs.The history of the diligence party goes back to 1900 when a boil Representation military commission was established which changed its name to The Labor Party in 1906. After the First public War, this led to the demise of the Liberal Party as the main reformist force in British politics. The existence of the Labor Party on the left of British politics led to a loath waning of energy from the Liberal Party, which has thence assumed third place in natio nal politics.After performing poorly in the elections of 1922, 1923 and 1924, the Liberal Party was superseded by the Labor Party as the party of the left. undermentioned two brief spells in minority governments in 1924 and 19291931, the Labor Party had its first true victory after human War II in the 1945 khaki election. Throughout the rest of the twentieth deoxycytidine monophosphate, Labor governments alternated with Conservative governments. The Labor Party suffered the wilderness years of 1951-1964 (three straight General Election defeats) and 1979-1997 (four straight General Election defeats).During this second period, Margaret Thatcher, who became leader of the Conservative party in 1975, make a fundamental change to Conservative policies, turning the Conservative Party into an frugal neoliberal party. In the General Election of 1979 she defeated pack Callaghans troubled Labor government after the winter of discontent. For most of the 1980s and the 1990s, Conservative go vernments under Thatcher and her successor John major pursued policies of privatization, anti-trade-unionism, and, for a time, monetarism, now known collectively as Thatcherism.The Labor Party elected left-winger Michael Foot as their leader after their 1979 election defeat, and he responded to dissatisfaction with the Labor Party by engage a number of radical policies actual by its grass-roots members. In 1981 several right wing Labor MPs formed a breakaway group called the Social parliamentary Party (SDP), a move which split Labor and is widely believed to have made Labor unelectable for a decade. The SDP formed an shackle with the Liberal Party which contested the 1983and 1987 general elections as a centrist resource to Labor and the Conservatives. After some sign success, the SDP did not prosper (partly due to its reproachful distribution of votes in the FPTP electoral system), and was criminate by some of splitting the anti-Conservative vote. The SDP at last merged wi th the Liberal Party to form the Liberal Democrats in 1988. Support for the new party has increased since then, and the Liberal Democrats (often referred to as LibDems) in 1997 and 2001 gained an increased number of seats in the House of Commons.The Labor Party was badly defeated in the Conservative landslip of the 1983 general election, and Michael Foot was replaced before long thereafter by Neil Kinnock as leader. Kinnock expelled the far left Militant tendency group (now called the socialist Party of England and Wales) and moderated many of the partys policies. tho he was in turn replaced by John Smith after Labor defeats in the 1987 and 1992 general elections. Tony Blair became leader of the Labor party after John Smiths fulminant death from a heart eruption in 1994.He continued to move the Labor Party towards the center by loosening links with the unions and embracing many of Margaret Thatchers liberal economic policies. This, coupled with the professionalizing of the part y machines approach to the media, helped Labor win a historic landslide in the 1997 General Election, after 18 years of Conservative government. Some observers translate the Labor Party had by then morphed from a democratic socialist party to a social democratic party, a process which delivered three general election victories but alienated some of its core base leading to the formation of the Socialist Labor Party (UK).Liberal Democrats The Liberal Democrats won the third largest number of seats at the 2010 general election, returning 57 MPs. The Conservative Party failed to win an overall majority, and the Liberal Democrats entered government for the first time as part of a coalition. The Liberal Democrats were formed in 1988 by a merger of the Liberal Party with the Social Democratic Party, but can trace their origin back to the Whigs and the Rochdale Radicals who evolved into the Liberal Party. The term Liberal Party was first used officially in 1868, though it had been in use colloquially for decades beforehand.The Liberal Party formed a government in 1868 and then alternated with the Conservative Party as the party of government throughout the late 19th century and early 20th century. The Liberal Democrats are heavily a party on organizational and Political Reforms, including changing the take system for General Elections (UK Alternative Vote referendum, 2011), abolishing the House of Lords and replacing it with a three hundred member elected Senate, introducing Fixed quintuple Year Parliaments, and introducing a National depict of Lobbyists.They also claim to champion of fair-mindedness and social mobility, notably in government where they have introduced legislation introducing a schoolchild premium funding for schools directed at the poorest students to give them an equal chance in life equal marriage for homosexual couples and increasing the income tax threshold so that no one will hire anything on the first 10,000 they earn. Other parli amentary parties The Green Party of England and Wales gained its second MP, Caroline Lucas, in the 2010 General Election (the first MP was Cynog Dafis, Ceredigion 1992 who was elected on a joint Plaid Cyru/Green Party ticket).It also has seats in the European Parliament, two seats on the London Assembly and around 120 topical anesthetic councilors. The Respect party, a left-wing group that came out of the anti-war movement has one MP, George Galloway. It also has a miniscule number of seats on local councils across the country. There are usually a small number of item-by-item politicians in parliament with no party allegiance. In modern times, this has usually occurred when a sitting member leaves their party, and some such MPs have been re-elected as independents.The only current Independent MP is Lady Hermon, previously of the Ulster Unionist Party. However, since 1950 only two new members have been elected as independents without having ever stood for a major party Martin Bell represented the Tatton constituency in Cheshire between 1997 and 2001. He was elected following a sleaze grunge involving the sitting Conservative MP, Neil HamiltonBell, a BBC journalist, stood as an anticorruption independent candidate, and the Labor and Liberal Democrat parties withdrew their candidates from the election.Dr. Richard Taylor MP was elected for the Wyre Forest constituency in the 2001 on a platform debate the closure of Kidderminster hospital. He later established Health Concern, the party under which he ran in 2005. Current political adorn Since winning the largest number of seats and votes in the 2010 general election, the Conservatives under David Cameron are now behind the Labor Party now led by Ed Miliband. Their coalition partners have also experienced a decline in support in opinion polls.At the same time, support for the UK liberty Party has shown a considerable advance, with some polls now placing them in third place ahead of the Lib Dems. UKIPs growing specialism was illustrated by the result of the Eastleigh by-election in which the party advanced by 24% to take second place from the Conservatives, less than 5% behind the Lib Dems who retained the seat. Local government The UK is divided into a variety of different types of Local Authorities, with different functions and responsibilities.England has a aggregate of two-tier and single-tier councils in different parts of the country. In Greater London, a unique two-tier system exists, with power shared between the London borough councils, and the Greater London Authority which is headed by an elected mayor. Unitary Authorities are used throughout Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. European Union Further information European Movement UK, Euroskepticism in the United Kingdom, and Members of the European Parliament from the United Kingdom.The United Kingdom first joined the European scotch Community in January 1973, and has remained a member of the European Union (EU) that it e volved into UK citizens, and other EU citizens resident in the UK, elect 78 members to represent them in the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg. The UKs membership in the Union has been objected to over questions of sovereignty,27 and in recent years there have been divisions in both major parties over whether the UK should form greater ties within the EU, or crucify the EUs supranational powers.Opponents of greater European desegregation are known as Euroskeptics, while supporters are known as Europhiles. role over Europe is prevalent in both major parties, although the Conservative Party is seen as most divided over the issue, both whilst in Government up to 1997 and after 2010, and between those dates as the opposition. However, the Labor Party is also divided, with conflicting views over UK adoption of the euro whilst in Government (19972010), although the party is largely in favor of further integration where in the countrys interest.UK nationalists have long cam paigned against European integration. The strong showing of the euroskeptic United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) in the 2004 European Parliament elections has shifted the debate over UK relations with the EU. In March 2008, Parliament decided to not hold a referendum on the ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon, signed in December 2007. 28 This was despite the Labor government promising in 2004 to hold a referendum on the previously proposed Constitution for Europe.